Privacy Policy
Our company recognizes the importance of responsibility for appropriately protecting personal information and will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and ordinances, and has formulated a privacy policy as detailed below.
For the purposes of this privacy policy, “personal information” refers to the relevant information including full name and any additional details used to identify you.
- 1. Management System
- In order to enhance our security for the protection of personal information, we continuously conduct education and awareness-raising activities with our employees.
- Collection and Use of Personal Information
- Our company collects personal information from customers only for the purposes of providing quality service to our customers. We will not collect any information beyond the scope of what is required for the given purpose.
- 2. Provision of Personal Information
- Our company will not disclose or provide the personal information of our customers without
customer consent, except in the following cases.
1) Cases in which personal data is provided to third parties in accordance with laws and ordinances other than the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
2) Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of an individual, and for which your consent is difficult to obtain
3) Cases in which the provision of personal information is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children, and for which your consent is difficult to obtain. - 3. Management and Security of Personal Information
- Our company will take measures to securely and appropriately manage personal information, using a server protected by a security system. We will endeavor to prevent the leakage of personal information and unauthorized access by external sources.
- 4. Inquiries on Registered Information
- In the event of a customer request, our company will, after verifying the customer’s identity and following necessary company regulations, provide access to registered information in a prompt manner.
- 5. Suspension of Information Services
- In the event a customer chooses to unsubscribe from guidance and information provided to our customers from our company or company stores, we will comply with that request promptly.
- 6. Compliance with Laws and Ordinances
- We fully recognize the importance of personal information and will make every effort for the enforcement of appropriate management of that information through education and awareness-raising activities with our employees and improvement of regulatory compliance. Furthermore, we will regularly assess and improve the activities outlined in each of the items of this privacy policy to ensure they are in strict accordance with the laws, ordinances, and standards that apply to the customer personal information our company possesses.
- 7. Disclaimer
- Our company makes every effort to prevent leakage to third parties of personal information collected from customers. However, in the event that personal information is leaked due to reasons that cannot be attributed to our company we ask for your understanding and acknowledgment that we cannot be held responsible
Please contact us for inquiries regarding personal information.
Hirokawa Limited compony
Address:Kitatsukirimichi 44-1, Ukyoku Sagatenryuji, Kyoto city, Kyoto prefecture